
Decorator's Resource

The Society of Glass and Ceramic Decorated Products

Members Only Section:

Legislative: Main Page

SGCDpro Washington Link

Walt Sanders is Vice President Law & Government Affairs for Van Fleet Associates, Inc. He counsels corporate and association clients before the U.S. Congress and Federal regulatory and enforcement agencies. He was Co-Director, Federal Relations Group for Barnes & Thornburg, LLP, advising clients on legislative, legal, and regulatory issues. Walt also served as Counsel to the Chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Walt was Counsel and Legislative Director for then-Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, John D. Dingell.

Video Demonstration of Vitrification

National Association of Manufacturer´s Consumer Product Safety Coalition Addresses Green Chemistry. SGCDpro lobbyist has provided the following report from a meeting of the NAM CPSC Coalition held in late June 2012.

International Regulatory Information

Resources for the Decorating Industry

SGCDpro has begun a listing of resources that can support its members in dealing with government regulation.
(DOCX file - 0.5 mb file size) posted Mar. 18, 2019

FDA Certified PRC Factories

FDA Certified PRC Factories

Legislative Policy Conference Call - August 20, 2013

CLICK HERE to download MP3 file (audio file) of Conference Call.
(MP3 file - 8 mb file size) posted Aug. 21, 2013

Healthcare Bill

June 28, 2012, "CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS announced the judgment of the Court and delivered the opinion of the Court..."
To Download PDF of Healthcare Opinion

Link to WSJ Article:
Court Backs Obama on Health Law .

Green Chemistry

National Association of Manufacturer’s Consumer Product Safety
Coalition Addresses Green Chemistry.

(PDF file - 0.5 mb file size) posted Aug. 3, 2012


Ferro letter to USEPA regarding TSCA inventory listings
(PDF file - 1.0 mb file size) posted Mar. 6, 2011

Ferro TSCA inventory listing impacts for USEPA
(PDF file - 1.6 mb file size) posted Mar. 6, 2011

McDonald's Shrek Glassware Voluntary Recall

Important Facts About Decorated Glass and Ceramic Ware
(DOC file)


Summary of SGCDpro Meetings Regarding Shrek Recall
(PDF file)


Food Safety Bill H.R. 2749 for download



Information on TCLP and WET Test Methods


Information on Country of Origin Marking

Click for details...

Media Responses

WDIV-TV letter, February 2008
Letter sent by SGCDpro to WDIV-TV in Detroit after an inaccurate report on ceramicware and alleged lead exposure. SGCDpro members are encouraged to contact Myra Warne, info@sgcd.org , if they are contacted by a reporter about metal safety issues.

Intentionally Crazed Ware

  • Article
    There have been a number of products reported to us where crazing was either an intentional design characteristic or reflected a manufacturing design "failure." In some of these cases, the products violated FDA standards for lead and in others the food contact surfaces appeared to be harboring either food substance or mold after repeated uses. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had shown many years ago that the porous surfaces of poorly glazed Mexican terra cotta could harbor pathogens and cause food to become contaminated after several uses and washings. Potential problems related to lead leachability and "unsanitary" conditions posed by crazing should be avoided. FDA recommends that manufacturers and importers focus on the decorating methods and materials used including coatings and other options to minimize any risks. For more information, contact Andy Bopp ( andyb@sgcd.org ).

  • Sample Image: CRAZEDITALIAN.doc
  • Sample Image: CRAZINGPIC.doc

Legislative and Regulatory Notices

Technical Papers



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